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The Tickler Concept


tickler [ˈtɪklÉ™]:  noun​
1.   A memorandum or file to jog the memory.​

As long as business has existed, business people have looked for the best, most efficient methods to manage their tasks, teams, clients and workflow.  From the early days of the Farmer's Almanac to modern Wi-Fi devices with expensive CRM solutions, we continue the journey to effectively manage our projects and data with a high level of client satisfaction.


For many years, the definition of a "tickler file" was the method of choice for business professionals who needed time and task management with a system of date-driven reminders.  The simple-yet-functional system of filing notes and documents under different days of the month for a 30 to 90-day period kept many projects on track.  That same efficiency is now available for the 21st century, secure and dependable, on your desktop, laptop, iPad or iPhone.


The concept of ClientTickler is is a simple and accessible one:  keep the best of the old-fashioned tickler file reminders by calendar date, add the ability for detailed client info, and bring it all together in one complete, easy-to-use application that works for a variety of client-focused professions.  The project management revolution has begun, and with ClientTickler, it's easier than ever to get started.

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