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Have a Question?

1.  How long may I use the free trial version of ClientTickler?

Use the free trial version of ClientTickler 25 times.   Each time ClientTickler opens, the activation screen shows you how many uses remain in the free trial. Simply click 'Continue Trial' to use ClientTickler or 'Buy Now'  button in the activation screen.  This will link you to the ClientTickler website where you can purchase the software.  Once you have purchased ClientTickler, use the “Activate” button to enter your activation code and convert your free trial version to a licensed application.


2.   With what operating systems is ClientTickler compatible?

ClientTickler currently runs on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.  Unfortunately, ClientTickler is not natively compatible with Macintosh operating systems such as OSX.  Users who wish to purchase ClientTickler with a Mac are encouraged to use software such as Parallels  to create a virtual environment with which to run ClientTickler.


3.  How do I upgrade to another version of ClientTickler?

The “upgrade’ button will link you to the ClientTickler website where you can purchase the upgrade.  There is no reason to download another version.  Just copy and paste the new activations code to the “activate” button.  

4.  May I install ClientTickler on more than one computer?

ClientTickler is currently designed for one User but allows that User to install ClientTickler on two computers such as their home and office computer.

5.  How do I get help with ClientTickler?

You have several Help options. For help with installation and basic functionality, the ClientTickler User Guide is included with ClientTickler. Click the ClientTickler icon in the upper left corner, select 'Help' and 'ClientTickler Help'. For additional help:  Customer Service: or call 1-855-222-7970.  

6.  How would I use the daily notification emails in the Supervisor Alerts feature?

Some supervisors and managers want to ensure that important Tasks and deliverables are completed on time. The daily notification email can be set up to alert a supervisor or manager of overdue Tasks. Alternatively, you can choose to have the notification emails sent to yourself or an assistant for reminders of Tasks needing completed. 

7.  Why does ClientTickler require me to create a new tickler when I mark some of my ticklers as being 'completed?'

The purpose of ClientTickler is to keep Clients 'front of mind' and to help ensure that projects and Tasks keep moving forward. ClientTickler helps to impose a disciplined approach to accomplishing Client Tasks and building Client relationships. Therefore, ClientTickler ensures that all active Clients have at least one active, open Tickler. If you complete the only active Tickler, ClientTickler will prompt you to create a new Tickler. Make the Client 'Inactive' if you no longer want to perform any Task, relationship-building or marketing Ticklers for this Client.   You can also change the “client type” to uncategorized. 

8.  Can you give me examples of tickler types that other companies use?

General tickler types can be:  Telephone, Document Preparation, Schedule Appointments, Email, etc.  Law Firms:  Discovery, statute of limitations, pleadings, hearings.  Real Estate:  Open house, client meeting, escrow, marketing.

9.  Can I import my contacts from Outlook?  What about other applications?

Yes, export your contacts from Outlook into a Comma Separated Value (.csv) file.  Export your contacts from other applications such as Gmail by choosing 'Outlook Comma Separated Value' as your export format.  Note that ClientTickler does not check for duplicates if you're importing multiple contact list.


10.  Why is one of my ticklers red?

Ticklers that are not completed by the designated due date are considered incomplete.  An incomplete Task will appear as a red Tickler on your Calendar and in your Tickler List as an alert until it is completed.

11.  Can I see all of the ticklers for a particular Client?

Yes, you can see current Ticklers by clicking on the client highlighting the Client in your Client List screen, then clicking 'Show Ticklers'.  Only this Client's Ticklers show in the Tickler List. Each Client Tickler displays a complete log of that Clients Tasks and Events at the bottom of the Tickler screen.


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