Business People Love ClientTickler
“Can’t tell you what a useful tool ClientTickler is to our business. We have successfully transformed several “idle” prospects into high priority clients by just entering their info and following up when reminded by ClientTickler. Your program is a must have for any small business!” READ THE FULL CLIENT SUCCESS STORY
Jamie Deonas,
Business Owner
"I've been using ClientTickler for about two months. I love it!! It is easy to use, and the color coding of different activities makes it easy to tell at a glance what the pressing deadlines are. In addition, it makes me update the "tickler" each time an activity has been completed, so it is almost impossible for a client to "drop between the cracks" or for important deadlines to be missed. I highly recommend it!"
Marilyn Strong,
“Our office tested numerous tickler programs for our small law firm before finding ClientTickler. Hands down, it is the best by far. It is an invaluable tool for any business working with deadlines. Streamlined and user friendly, it is a definite must have!”
Sarah M. Stamm, FRP
John B. Rogers, Esq.
"I have been using ClientTickler since the software was first introduced. I have found it extremely useful in my line of work as an Office Administrator. I have numerous offices and tasks that I must keep in order on a daily to weekly basis. I am able to keep track of when to pick up or drop off work, attend meetings, process payroll, payroll taxes, quarterly and annual reports, etc. Prior to ClientTickler coming along, I relied on a pad of paper on my desk. Now all I have to do is open ClientTickler and see what I have going on for that day. The software makes it easy to track business and personal tasks. I can keep track of Dr's. Appts., vehichle maintenance, vet visits even as simple as grocery shopping. I was very impressed with its ease of use and simple sophistication. I am excited to see the next steps ClientTickler takes in making my life easier to juggle."
Ami Steward,
Legal Administrative Services
"We all have grandiose ideas of maintaining contact with our friends after entering parenthood. But reality sets in, and at the end of the day we would often rather play blocks with our children than anything else. ClientTickler has allowed me to break down large goals into smaller tasks so that I have been able to accomplish the things I have previously only thought about. Because of ClientTickler, my husband and I have actually gone out on date nights (a feat never before attained), and I’ve reestablished contact with dear friends I have missed. I have also used to it to follow up with people and businesses on issues that couldn’t be resolved in one phone call, and to make sure I have everything the kids need for school. ClientTickler is an irreplaceable tool that keeps me on task for things most important in my life."
Christina Campbell,
Working Mom